david moinina sengeh

Inventor & Technologist

Artist & Designer

Public Servant & Entrepreneur


Global Minimum

GMin is an international non–profit organization I co-founded in 2006 with a goal to empower locals who wish to create and implement their own solutions to the issues that they truly understand.

Innovate Challenges: GMin's flagship project, Innovate Challenges, is currently based in Sierra Leone (Innovate Salone), Kenya (Innovate Kenya), and South Africa (Innovate South Africa). Innovate Challenges bring together the idea of innovations awards with the “maker” ethic in local communities.

Innovation Labs (InLabs): In collaboration with the Clinton Global Initiative, GMin has committed to launching four InLabs across Sierra Leone as a space for learning, making and action by youth. To learn more, please contact info[@]gmin.org

To support this work, please follow this Crowdrise link

As President of the organization, it gives me immense pleasure to work alongside other young people from US, Canada, Pakistan, Denmark, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Germany, Kenya... All working towards enabling young people to be problem solvers.

Over the past seven years, GMin has distributed over 15,000 long lasting insecticide treated bed nets. We have worked with Against Malaria Foundation, UNICEF-Sierra Leone, Roll Back Malaria, Red Cross and more local and international organizations.

GMin also brought the XO laptop through One Laptop per Child to Sierra Leone. Members of our team participated in the OLPCorps Africa program.