david moinina sengeh

Inventor & Technologist

Artist & Designer

Public Servant & Entrepreneur


Thought leadership | Academic publications

Academic Publications

Refereed journal and conference publications Sengeh, D.M., Herr, H. A Variable-Impedance Prosthetic Socket for a Transtibial Amputee Designed from Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data. Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics 2013;25:129-137

Chang, A., Nunez, D., Roberts, T., Sengeh, D., and Breazeal, C. Pre-pilot findings on developing a literacy tablet. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC '13) ACM, New York, USA, 2013; 471-474.

Peer Reviewed Workshop Publications Sengeh, D., Olwal, A. BodyNotes.org: Low-cost Telemedicine & Prosthetic Improvement Kits for Amputees. MobileHCI: Mobile Wellness 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, 2011

Theses Masters Thesis (MIT Media Lab, June 2012): Advanced Prototyping of Variable Impedance Prosthetic Sockets for Trans-tibial Amputees: Polyjet Matrix 3D Printing of Comfortable Prosthetic Sockets Using Digital Anatomical Data Download